IBC Lift Blender


Mobile unit for 5kg up to 500kg batches with Lifting and Lowering System. This unit is one of many of our custom portable and stationary designs with every option imaginable offered to meet the demands of every application.

All of our machines can also blend Drums and V-Shells.

We offer complete handling solutions behind our systems to aid your operators in both ergonomic handling and containment.


Lift up/down and rotate, variable speed control by inverter

Electric motor for safety (no hydraulic)

Ball screw, guide linear bearing (no chain)

Recipe control blending with Panel View HMI or Industrial Computer

Reversing blending with timer

Light Guards, Laser Guards and Safety Gates.

Clamping systems range from simple “tri- clamp” style manual connections.

Pharmaceutical design: Ra < 1.5 µm for exterior surface

Machine operation and installation meet GMP compliance.

It is easy to clean & maintain. Flexible cable enclosed is covered to avoid contamination.

Technical Specifications